About Us

Rev Ruth Kerr has been married to her husband Kenneth Kerr Sr. for 45 years. They have 3 children and 14 grandchildren.

In 1983 Jesus visited Ruth in a vision and told her that he called her to preach the gospel to the Nations of the world. He gave the scripture, Mark 16:15-18, as a guide to the ministry that He has called her to be a part of.

In February 4, 2006 she heeded to the call and started The Holy Tabernacle Church in Manchester Connecticut, where she conducted weekly healing meetings!

In July 2009 The Holy Tabernacle became a full time ministry in the Hartford County.

We believe that the father has called the body of Christ to manifest the greatest power of God that this world has ever seen. This power will bring the saving grace, healing and deliverance to this dying world.

Rev. Ruth is a Prophetess/Pastor to the Nations of the world. She conducts weekly prayer meetings know as “Supernatural House Of Prayer.” She also has weekly bible studies know as “Church Without Walls, ” which is a phone ministry as an extension to The Holy Tabernacle Church!

Prophetess Ruth also conducts healing school each year where the Holy Spirit uses her to heal all manner of sicknesses and diseases. These classes run from June to November each year. “We Believe In the Supernatural!” Amen!  Let The Healing Begin!

One Love